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Free Thanksgiving meal served in Grand Marais

The First Congregational Church is hosting the 44th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, Nov. 23 starting at 1 p.m.


Restorative justice specialist Ted Lewis on conflict resolution

Cook County Higher Education is hosting Duluth-based Ted Lewis, restorative justice specialist and trainer, on Sunday, Nov. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Boundary Waters portage up the Gunflint Trail. Photo by Amber Kramer

Community conversations: Stories of travel and wilderness

In this Community Conversations program, WTIP’s Jay Andersen speaks with Joan Farnam, a local artist and blogger, about turning her world travels into art.


North Woods Naturalist: Red-toothed shrews

The Incredible Shrinking Shrew. No, it’s not the title of a Sci-Fi movie.


Northern Gardening - Home Food Preservation


Vikings volleyball team wrap up another great season in 2017

The Cook County Vikings' season ended at the state tournament with a loss to New Life Academy Saturday, Nov. 11. 


Youth Nordic ski team returns this winter

Local youth skiers were excited to hear the Two Harbors/Cook County Nordic ski team is returning to the local scene in the winter of 2017-18.

The season starts on Nov. 13.


A visit with veteran Willard Nelson

Willard Nelson was born on Veteran's Day in 1914. He turns 103 on Veteran's Day 2017. A longtime Lutsen resident, Willard  is believed to be the oldest male veteran in Cook County.


Minnesota award presented to local artist Tom Christiansen

Each year AARP Minnesota presents “50 Over 50” – a list of 50 individuals over the age of 50 from across Minnesota who are making an impact.


Veterans Day events throughout the community

There are many activities taking place in the next few days in honor of Veterans Day 2017.