Community Stories
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Upcoming Make-A-Bowl offered at GM Art Colony for Empty Bowls
Will Moore-The Empty Bowls dinner and silent auction takes place at St. John’s Catholic Church in Grand Marais on Monday, November 13th.
Fire department visits Sawtooth Mountain Elementary as part of fire prevention week
-This week some special guests visited the students at Sawtooth Mountain Elementary. WTIP’s Sterling Anderson finds out more.
Cross country boys' team takes first at Swain Invite
Rhonda Silence-The North Shore Storm raced well at the Swain Invitational on Saturday, October 7.
Congratulations to the 2017 Homecoming Royalty
Rhonda Silence-Cook County High School celebrated Homecoming last week. A pep fest and coronation of Homecoming royalty was held Thurday, Oct. 5.
Out & About: Arrowhead Electric's Member Appreciation Week
-During the week of October 9 to 13, Arrowhead Electric Cooperative is celebrating Member Appreciation Week.
Racism in Cook County: A community conversation
Joe Friedrichs-In recent weeks, the local school district in Grand Marais has become the focus of numerous media reports about racist bullying.
North Shore Storm has muddy day at Hibbing Invite
Rhonda Silence-The North Shore Storm – the Cook County/Two Harbors cross country running team -- headed to a rainy race in Hibbing last week.
Homecoming week arrives to ISD 166
-Homecoming celebrations are ongoing at Cook County High School this week.
Outdoor writers head to the Boundary Waters
Rhonda Silence-Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is hosting a group of outdoor writers on the Gunflint Trail.
"Lilypaddlers" spend eight days together on an all-female canoe trip
-The Lilypaddlers are four women from Ontario, who in July went on an eight-day canoe trip together. WTIP’s Sterling Anderson spoke with Kat Scott, a member of the Lilypaddlers, to find out