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North Woods Naturalist: Yellowjackets

Throughout the northern part of the state, and here in Cook County, we’re receiving numerous accounts of aggressive yellowjackets.


North Shore Storm runners at Milaca Megameet

The cross country running season is well under way.


Vikings volleyball player reaches career milestone

Vikings volleyball player and local student-athlete Meredith Sutton recorded the 1,000 kill of her volleyball career on Sept. 25.


Camp Chow heading to Puerto Rico

On September 20, Hurricane Maria, a Category 4 hurricane with 150 mph winds, made 


Running a half marathon while portaging a canoe

The 2017 Ely Marathon took place Saturday, Sept.


Kidney donor Jenna Wagner thriving

In this interview, WTIP’s Rhonda Silence learns more about the experience of kidney donation from someone with a very personal perspective, Jenna Latz Wagner. 

photo by Will Moore

WTIP at record-breaking Target Field football game

Target Field in Minneapolis was the home to what became by far the biggest crowd to ever attend a Division III college football game on Saturday, Sept. 23, when the University of St.

Fall Colors (Photo by Bryan Hansel)

Fall colors update with local photographer

We are near the peak of the fall colors, as according to the Minnesota DNR, the leaves typically reach peak color around mid-September to early October.  To find out more about the fall colors lo


Hiking Isle Royale for 20 consecutive years

Tom McCann is the geographic information system manager for the US Forest Service at the Gunflint Ranger station.  He recently completed his hike of Isle Royale for the 20th consecutive year.