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Walk/Bike to School Day postponed to Thursday

The Cook County Safe Routes to School committee has postponed the first Walk/Bike to School Day due to weather. The event was to be held Wednesday, Sept.


Elements of Craft: Iron and Steel

In this installment of Elements of Craft, we take a look at iron and its transformation by humans to steel.


Northern Gardening: Insects and disease in our forest and backyards

The topic this month is 'Insect and Disease: Pests in our forest and backyards'.


North Shore Music Association hosts Pat Donohue Saturday

Pat Donohue & the Prairie All Stars will take the stage at the Arrowhead  Center for the Arts at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 23.


Art and nature draws Tumbleweed Naturalist to the North Shore

The beauty of the North Shore attracts many visitors -- including some who decide to stay for a while.

A view from the Radio Waves entrance - photo by Ellen Stubbs

Radio Waves 2017: Thank you, link to survey, picture slideshow

The 10th Annual Radio Waves Music Festival wrapped up on Sunday, Sept.


Dave and Amy Freeman will release new book during two Grand Marais events

Local adventurers Dave and Amy Freeman have new titles to add to their resumes: authors.


Remembrances of 9/11

When the twin towers fell on September 11, 2001, the 62 members of Missouri’s Search and Rescue task force were called into action.


Creative Economy Collaborative is working to promote sustainable arts locally

The Creative Economy Collaborative has been brought together to help enhance local artists to be more sucessful economically.


Canadian explores Gunflint Lake en route to East Coast

Mike Ranta is a Canadian adventurer and activist who is making a routine of navigating the wilds of his country. Ranta is once again traveling across Canada via foot and canoe in 2017.