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All About Invasive Plants

Janice Matichuk at the Cache Bay Ranger Station

Quetico ranger reflects on 33 years working in the wilderness

Some people are blessed when it comes to finding a job that suits them.

A game of Magic the Gathering. Submitted photo.

Local group plays popular game on Friday nights

Friday night is a popular night to get out and about here in Cook County. And WTIP Intern Sterling Anderson takes a look at a game that is catching on here locally. 


Interviews with artists at the Grand Marais Art Festival

On July 8, WTIP’s Jay Andersen and Roger Linehan were in the radio station booth at the Grand Marais Arts Festival. Roger played music and Jay interviewed several Festival artists.


Community gathers for 4th of July celebrations

The township of Tofte, along with the townships of Lutsen and Schroeder and a number of local businesses and nonprofits, threw a great party on the 4th of July.


Volunteers sought for Twin Bridges Overlook trail project

There are many ways to get out and volunteer in our community. The Cook County ATV Club is constructing an enhancement on its Hovland Woods ATV Trail.


Roving Reporter: Plans on Fourth of July 2017

The Fourth of July is a popular day to celebrate along the North Shore, and WTIP Intern Sterling Anderson went to downtown Grand Marais recently to find out what people have planned.


New owner at Cascade Lodge discusses future of business

As of June 12, Cascade Lodge is under new ownership.


Young adventurer canoeing across Canada stops along the Gunflint Trail

A 20-year-old adventurer traveling in a canoe across Canada and to the Arctic Ocean stopped along the Gunflint Trail during the last several days of June.


Spirit Guiding Adventures on the Gunflint Trail

A new business has been launched in the community, Spirit Guiding Adventures. Matthew Baxley and Lindsey Gau are offering opportunities combining canoeing and rock climbing and more.