Community Stories
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Local resident comes to aid of man who fell from kayak on Lake Superior
-A teenager from Coon Rapids fell out of his kayak on June 26 in the Grand Marais Harbor and into the waters of Lake Superior.
LSProject: Mons Hanson - The life and death of a Hovland pioneer
-In the early 1900s, many Scandinavian immigrants settled along the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Recycling in Cook County
-Recycling is as important as ever as we head into the summer. WTIP intern Sterling Anderson spoke with Rick Sturm of the Cook County Recycling Center to find out what materials the center accept
Johnson Heritage Post opens new exhibit
-The Johnson Heritage Post in Grand Marais is opening a new exhibit Friday, June 23.
Cook County law enforcement and youths take part in Special Olympics Torch Run
Rhonda Silence-The North Shore welcomed the Flame of Hope Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics on June 19 and 20.
LSProject: Stories of Chippewa City
-Chippewa City, a townsite just east of Grand Marais and home to the St. Francis Xavier Church, remains an important community in the history of Cook County.
WTIP 'adopts' an entry point to the Boundary Waters
-Some WTIP staff and volunteers recently made a trip up the Gunflint Trail to visit a specific entry point to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
Roving Reporter: Bug Update Spring 2017
-Bugs, such as black flies and mosquitoes have been in abundance throughout the month of June. WTIP Intern Sterling Anderson went up the Gunflint Trail to get a report on the insects.
Canoe guide talks Boundary Waters Expo, Gunflint Trail adventures
-The third annual Boundary Waters Expo is taking place June 17 and 18 toward the end of the Gunflint Trail.
Roving Reporter: Plans for Father's Day 2017
-Sunday, June 18 is Father’s Day, and WTIP Intern Sterling Anderson went to downtown Grand Marais recently to find out what people have planned.