Community Stories
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Grand Marais Playhouse presents Lion King Jr.
-The Grand Marais Playhouse presents Disney’s The Lion King Jr., April 21st through the 23rd and April 28th through the 30th at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts.
MidWest Extreme Snowmobile Challenge at Lutsen Mountains this weekend
Rhonda Silence-For the third year, Lutsen Mountains and CorPower Sports are joining forces to bring the MidWest Extreme Snowmobile Challenge to the ski hill.
Local couple reflect on 20 years caring for Cutface Creek rest area
-Bob and Shirley Mcalister have lived on the outskirts of Grand Marais near Lake Superior full time for the past two decades.
Grand Marais photographer David Johnson featured on The Playlist
Rhonda Silence-Local photographer David R. Johnson is well known locally, but since his retirement, he is finding more time to capture the sights of the North Shore.
The Story of Flash Meridian - part 2
Will Moore-In 2000, Tim Young began the adventures of Flash Meridian - an ongoing episodic sci-fi story accompanied by comic book style artwork and local music.
The story behind Flash Meridian
Will Moore-In 2000, Tim Young began the adventures of Flash Meridian - an ongoing episodic sci-fi story accompanied by comic book style artwork and local music.
Event to highlight outdoor projects and groups seeking volunteers
-An event at Voyageur Brewing on April 24th will feature many local trails and other outdoor volunteer organizations.
Grand Marais Public Utilities announces scholarship winners
Rhonda Silence-The Grand Marais Public Utility offers scholarships to students in its service territory each year. This week the PUC announced the winners of this year’s scholarships:
Superior National brings golf to school
Rhonda Silence-With spring comes rushing streams, the return of robins and the green up of golf courses.