Radio Waves 2017: Thank you, link to survey, picture slideshow
The 10th Annual Radio Waves Music Festival wrapped up on Sunday, Sept. 10, and all of us at WTIP would like to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who made it a success. We are fortunate to have so many wonderful people who believe in this celebration of local and regional music and community!
There are many to thank for helping make this year’s Radio Waves possible, including:
- the staff at the Grand Marais Rec Park for hosting the event and keeping the festival grounds clean and organized
- many volunteers for helping set up, tear down and staff tents
- WTIP on-air hosts for serving as emcees
- Jeff Nemitz, WTIP’s engineer, for sharing his electrical, technical and mechanical skills
- Jerry and Derek LaVigne for engineering the music
- Bob LaMettry for hauling musical equipment
- the Grand Marais Music Collaborative for providing a place for musicians to display and sell CDs and merchandise
- vendors for providing food and beverages: Alyce’s, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Double D’s Barbeque and Great Expectations School
- businesses and organizations for providing prizes: Betsy Bowen Studio, The Blue Moose, Buck’s Hardware, Cook County Whole Foods Co-op, Dockside Fish Market, Drury Lane Books, FIKA Coffee, The Gitchi-Gami Trail Association, Joynes Ben Franklin, Lake Superior Trading Post, Last Chance Gallery & Studio, Lutsen Resort, Moguls Grille & Tap Room, North House Folk School, North Shore Winery, Sawbill Canoe Outfitters, Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply, Super America, Superior National Golf Course, The Violence Prevention Center and Voyageur Brewing Company
- Belle Janicek for coordinating the Kids’ Tent; and Ella, Shawna and Sylvia for face painting
- Tim Young for designing this year’s logo
- Ellen Stubbs for sharing her time and talent by capturing photos of Radio Waves
- the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, the Grand Marais Areas Tourism Association and Visit Cook County for helping fund the event
- the weather – for cooperating
- the musicians for performing and sharing their time and talent – it wouldn’t be a music festival without the music!
Over the past ten years we’ve been humbled to see the transformation of Radio Waves from a one-day “thank-you concert” to a weekend festival. And in addition to everyone listed above, our deepest gratitude goes to those that came – both new and returning festivalgoers. The enthusiasm of everyone - attendees, artists, supporters and volunteers - inspires us to remain committed to continuing this annual event.
Your feedback and comments about Radio Waves are welcome – and we encourage you to take a moment to complete a brief survey about the festival. Your input is helpful as we apply for future grant funding and work to improve the overall Radio Waves experience. You can complete the survey online via the link below, or stop by the station to fill out a paper copy. The survey will be closed after Wednesday, Sept. 20.
Link to survey:
And don’t forget to mark your calendar for next year’s festival…the weekend after Labor Day!