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Cook County grown pumpkins turned jack-o-lanterns. Photos by Joe Friedrichs

Carving pumpkins on Halloween: The timeless tradition

When fall arrives to the North Shore and the days get dark before 7 p.m., schedules start to change. The fireplace becomes more enjoyable, or perhaps even essential.


Remembering local artist Alice Powell

Local artist Alice Powell of Grand Marais, died peacefully Thursday, October 19, 2017 at North Shore Hospital in Grand Marais surrounded by family and friends.


WTIP's Youth Media Group: Halloween show

It's WTIP’s Youth Media Group's first show!  Liv, Grace, and Siena bring you a half hour of Halloween themed fun.


Death Calm Studio debuts "Before I Wake" in Grand Marais

Cook County native Brandon Cole has launched his own business--Death Calm Studios--which specialize


Elements of Craft: Timbers in the North

Northeastern Minnesota has been an epicenter of logging for generations, thanks to the lush forests that coat the region.


Author Mary Casanova on writing process and upcoming North Shore Readers and Writers Festival

Mary Casanova is a children's author from Minnesota, and she recently spoke with WTIP about her experience in writing over the years.


Didgeridoo presentation at the Grand Marais Library Wednesday

The Grand Marais Library is hosting a very interesting program on Wednesday, October 25 at 6 p.m.

WTIP file photo

Following the family tree: A community conversation

In an era where tracking down relatives, long-lost friendships and even one’s family history is more accessible than ever before, two Cook County residents are in the process of connecting with


Bikers hit the trails in Sawtooth Challenge Saturday

The Sawtooth Challenge Bike Race will take place at Pincushion Mountain Trails on Saturday, October 21, starting at 9 a.m. There are a number of different races--in length and route. 


Camp Chow to Puerto Rico continues

The island nation of Puerto Rico is still struggling to recover from the Category 4 hurricane that hit on September 20. Hurricane Maria made direct landfall with 150 mph winds, devastating the U.S.