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"Unretirement" for UPS driver Simonowicz

Longtime UPS driver Bill Simonowicz retired six years ago. But he has come back to work for the company during the holiday season for a couple of years now.


John Morrin receives Minnesota Indian Education Award

The 2017 Minnesota Indian Education Association Annual Conference was held in November at the Treasure Island Casino in Welch, Minnesota.


Vikings' basketball coach excited after victory in season opener

The Cook County Vikings girls' basketball team opened the 2017-2018 on Thursday, Novemember 30 at home with an overtime win against the Silver Bay Mariners.  Head Coach Kelly Hawsen spoke wit


North Woods Naturalist: Winter water turnover

It’s time for the winter water column turnover.


Sawtooth Elementary - School News November 28

Sawtooth School News with June, Kwinn, Nico, and Liam.

Night skiing practice for the Vikings. Photo courtesy of the team

Alpine ski team starts season

The local Alpine ski team in Cook County has hit the slopes and started practice for the 2017-18 season.


Youth in Government students host "Jail & Bail" event

The Cook County Community YMCA has developed a “Youth in Government” program. Local students are learning about our democracy and how they can play a role.


Thanksgiving weekend brings holiday events

There are a number of holiday-themed events happening this weekend, highlighted by the Grand Marais Christmas Parade. The “Oh Ole Night” parade is Friday, November 24th, at 5:30 p.m.


Sawtooth elementary students' "I am thankful" poems

Leading up to Thanksgiving, fourth grade students at Sawtooth Mountain Elementary have been writing poems about what they are thankful for.  WTIP's Sterling Anderson recently visited their cl