Community Stories
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Aikido in Grand Marais - 25th Anniversary
-WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with Craig Waver, Sensei, about the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Aikido in Grand Marais.
"Celebrate Recovery" group forms in Grand Marais
Rhonda Silence-"Celebrate Recovery," is a national faith-based program aimed at helping people find healing from addiction and other "hurts and hang-ups." There is a vibrant Celebrate Recovery gr
Bike for Freedom - Lindsey Yoder
-WTIP volunteer, Mark Abrahamson talks with Lindsey Yoder and her mother, Regina as they prepare to complete the Bike for Freedom ride at the Canadian border near Grand Portage, MN.
Blue Water Cafe is now also Blue Water Pies
Rhonda Silence-Blue Water Cafe has served traditional American food for years, with some desserts.
Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain
-WTIP volunteer, Brian Neil talks with facilitator, Lynn Arnold about the new "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain" workshop being offered by the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic.
North Woods Naturalist: Advancing spring
-After a long wait, suddenly it was spring…and it’s advancing for the most part rapidly.
Checking in with filmmaker Brandon Cole
Rhonda Silence-Brandon Cole of Death Calm Studios has strong ties to the North Shore.
Northern Gardening: Native plants
-This month's edition of Northern Gardening featured "Native Plants for Use in Cook County Landscapes" Guests included Jen Stenerson from Boreal Natives of Cloquet and Alisa Berns f
Superior Spring Trail Race - John Storkamp
-WTIP volunteer, Mark Abrahamson talks with John Storkamp, race director for the 2018 Superior Spring Trail Race.
Flightboards coming to Devil Track Lake July 7-8
Rhonda Silence-HydroFlight Sports of MN will be visiting Cook County in July, demonstrating flyboarding on Devil Track Lake.