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Voter Registration - Kathy Sullivan

Kathy Sullivan talks with North Shore Morning host, Bob Padzieski, about voter registration.

Anyone with more questions about voting or the registration process may call:


Kraus-Anderson Bike Duluth Festival

The fifth annual Kraus-Anderson Bike Duluth Festival, a premier Minnesota mountain bike event at Spirit Mountain, will be held August 10th through the 12th in Duluth.

Stone bridge over Grand Portage Creek. Photo by Rhonda Silence

Update on historic stone bridge in Grand Portage

The historic Stone Bridge spanning Grand Portage Creek has recently had some masonry work done to preserve it.

Elements logo

Elements of Craft: Wool

Elements is a series produced between WTIP and North House Folk School to promote interest in the folk arts.

Lioness fish cake dinner is the kickoff to Fisherman's Picnic. Photo submitted by Grand Marais Lioness Club

Lioness fish cake dinner to kick off Fisherman's Picnic

The Grand Marais Lioness Club annual fish cake buffet dinner and silent auction will take place Wednesday, August 1 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at St John’s Church in Grand Marais.

Scott Benolken, founder of Tread Lightly Off-Road. Submitted photo

Off-highway vehicle group formed in Cook County

Tread Lightly Off-Road is a group that recently formed in Cook County.

Peter Rice, a WTIP supporter and contributor

WTIP's 'Albuquerque correspondent' talks value of community radio

Peter Rice is a freelance journalist who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Larry Downing (right) talks in front of a John Muir statue in Dunbar, Scotland. Photo by Ann Possis

Cook County seasonal resident Larry Downing honored by John Muir Trust

Larry Downing has been a seasonal Cook County resident and taxpayer since the 1970s. He is also among Minnesota’s most spirited and accredited environmental activists.

Cook County Legion Vikings Baseball

Vikings preparing for Summer League postseason run

The senior legion Vikings 18U baseball team was busy this past weekend playing in the sub-district tournament.  On Friday, July 20, the Vikings were shut out by Proctor, 8-0.

Jay and Sterling at the WTIP Booth (Photo by Joan Farnam)

WTIP at the 2018 Grand Marais Arts Festival

WTIP North Shore Community Radio was at the annual Grand Marais Arts Festival this July.