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Cook County seasonal resident Larry Downing honored by John Muir Trust

Larry Downing (right) talks in front of a John Muir statue in Dunbar, Scotland. Photo by Ann Possis
Larry Downing (right) talks in front of a John Muir statue in Dunbar, Scotland. Photo by Ann Possis

Larry Downing has been a seasonal Cook County resident and taxpayer since the 1970s. He is also among Minnesota’s most spirited and accredited environmental activists. Highlighting his work for public lands across the globe was a ceremony in Scotland in April 2018. At this event, Downing, who served two terms as president of the Sierra Club from 1986-1988, became just the fifth recipient of the John Muir Trust Lifetime Achievement Award.

WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs spoke with Downing about his career and the John Muir Trust Lifetime Achievement Award. 
