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February Thursday Community Conversation is on sexual exploitation

There’s more than one kind of safe harbor. One is for boats, the other is for women and girls.  Human trafficking, sexual assault and exploitation.


The Beargrease experience at Trail Center

The John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon wrapped up on Wednesday, February 1, but memories of the 2017 race live on.


Ely Memorial High's remarkable 83-year-old cheerleader

Ely Memorial High School has only one cheerleader for their basketball team – but she is very special. WTIP’s Sherrie Lindskog learns more in this interview.



First February weekend will have easy-to-take weather

The weather will slowly start to warm over the next few days, and there may be a little snow as well. Typical February.


Rep. Rob Ecklund: Budget, bonding and bipartisanship

The Legislature is in full swing. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Rep.


City and MnDOT host open house on proposed Highway 61 redesign

Representatives of the Minnesota Department of Transportation have visited Grand Marais several times in preparation for the reconstruction of Highway 61 through the city in 2019.


Ryan Anderson wins 2017 Beargrease

At approximately 10 a.m. on Feb. 1, musher Ryan Anderson crossed the finish line to claim first place in the 2017 John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon.


MNsure deadline extended to February 8

MNsure enrollment has been extended to February 8 due to new legislation affecting premiums.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with MNsure Navigator Erin Watson .



Alpine boys take 1st at Koo Koo Invite Jan. 26

The Cook County High School Alpine ski team had a successful day of racing at Lutsen Mountains on January 26. After the meet, Alpine Coach Charles Lamb shared the final results for the day.


Learning history and craft through toboggans

For the last 18 winters, North House Folk School in Grand Marais has been teaching local elementary school classes all about toboggans.