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The Beargrease experience at Trail Center

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The John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon wrapped up on Wednesday, February 1, but memories of the 2017 race live on. WTIP’s Rhonda Silence caught up with some of the folks involved in the race at the Trail Center checkpoint on Monday, January 30.

The Mid-distance race finishes at Trail Center and Marathon teams have a rest stop there, so it is a very busy place, with race fans and many volunteers standing by to cheer on incoming teams and to send them off.

Watching the sled dogs as they come in to Trail Center is exciting, some of them are still jumping around, wanting to pull some more as the musher checks in. Then, the dogs get some food or a chew bone and they curl up in their hay beds.

We hear from the mushers – and some of the dogs – in this feature. 
