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Boundary Waters advocate shares views against copper mining near BWCAW

Representative Rick Nolan and his stance and actions regarding copper-nickel mines in northeastern Minnesota have been generating headlines in recent weeks.


Some Minnesota residents support copper mining near BWCAW

Community members in northeastern Minnesota have diverse opinions on the potential benefits of nonferrous metals mining.


Sen. Tom Bakk: Lots of work ahead on the budget, tax bill and maybe the left over bonding bill

The Legislature is in full swing. Budget, a tax bill, transportation and maybe resurrecting the bonding bill. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Senate Minority Leader Tom Bakk.


Collaborative effort seeks stories for Ham Lake Fire 10 year anniversary project

When the Ham Lake wildfire roared through the area in spring 2007, the fire consumed more than 75,000 acres of forest and nearly 100 buildings.


WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from January 23 to January 29. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Weekend News Roundup for February 4

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Grass carp in the Great lakes, protestors outside Rep.


Super Bowl plans discussed in downtown Grand Marais

Sunday, Feb. 5 is the Super Bowl, which is a big deal for some people and means almost nothing to others.


Cleveland Cliffs burglary suspect found guilty

One of the people involved in a break-in and theft at Cliffs Mining in Schroeder in March 2016 has been found guilty in Cook County court.


Rep. Nolan supports both mining exploration and a clean wilderness

U.S. Representative Rick Nolan believes the 8th District can sustain mining exploration as well as keeping a clean and safe wilderness watershed.


Visit Cook County receives awards during Explore Minnesota conference

Visit Cook County, the tourism organization for Grand Marais and other surrounding communities, received a record-breaking three awards during the Explore Minnesota annual conference.  Linda Jure