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Grand Marais likely to host seaplane service to Isle Royale

Isle Royale National Park is considering a proposal by Isle Royale Seaplanes  (IRS) to offer seaplance service from Grand Marais to Isle Royale.


AEOA releases results of Point in Time survey on homelessness

 The Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency recently conducted a survey on homelessness in Cook County.


First and Second Thrift Store helps community

Community members happily gathered at the Cook County Senior Center on a snowy winter day, February 8, for a “payout party” with the First and Second Thrift Store.


Legislative update: Ecklund urges Nolan to run for Governor

A group of Iron Range oriented legislators is urging Congressman Rick Nolan to be the DFL candidate for Governor. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Rep.


Girl Scout cookie sales under way in Cook County

Cook County Girl Scouts --Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Ambassadors and Senior Scouts -- are now selling cookies on the North Shore.


Pickleball takes over YMCA (and WTIP)

The WTIP staff heads off to the Cook County YMCA to get educated in the ways of pickleball, a new sport sweeping the nation, especially in community cetner and retirement settings.


Local swimmers advance to state competition

The following are Cook County swimmers who are competing at the state meet on Feb. 19 at the University of Minnesota.


Preparing for Valentines Day 2017

February 14 is Valentine's Day and local shops are getting ready with special treats, flowers and gifts. 


New DNR app directs Cook County residents to natural springs

A new web-based app developed by the Department of Natural Resources gives people the ability to submit reports on the location of springs in Minnesota.


Nordic Nature Group shares concern about climate change

The Nordic Nature Group, a contingent of young naturalists, meets monthly to learn about nature and to find ways to protect the planet.