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Alpine ski team shines at Sections

Some great skiing at Sections on Tuesday, February 7 led the Viking boys' team to defeat 21 teams.


Weekend News Roundup for February 11

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. The Dakota Access pipeline will go ahead. There’s a plan to scrap forest police. St.


Proposed bill could have Cook County Sheriff's Department patrolling the BWCAW

A Congressman from Utah has proposed a bill that would change who enforces rules and regulations on national forest lands in the United States.


WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from January 30 to February 5. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Grand Portage hosts Snowarama for Easter Seals Saturday

Snowarama for Easter Seals at the Grand Portage Lodge and Casino is in its 14th year.


Rep. Ecklund on this week at the Legislature

Real ID, Sunday liquor and a bonding bill that’s still up in the air. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with District 3A Rep. Rob Ecklund about this week at the State Legislature.


Sen. Al Franken: Interesting times in D.C.

The Senate is about to revisit a bill designed to give Medicare a bargaining position with pharmaceutical companies.


The weekend's warming up

Looks like a nice February weekend with warmer temps and maybe a dusting of snow. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Carol Christenson.


DNR explains why feeding deer in winter is a bad idea

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says feeding deer in the winter along the North Shore or anywhere in Cook County often starts with noble intentions, but it can be deadly for deer.


Fire destroys boiler control room at Hedstrom Lumber

Cook County Law Enforcement received a 9-1-1 call reporting a fire at Hedstrom Lumber Company just before 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 4.