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Legislative check-in with Rep. Rob Ecklund

A state budget projection is due the end of the month and the deadline for introducing bills is March 10. WTIP’s Jay Andersen checked in with District 3A Rep.


Severe weather likely to miss North Shore

The big storm heading through Minnesota is a hard one to track, but the National Weather Service is pretty sure the North Shore will not see much of it.


Girl Scouts host a dance for "Dads and Daughters" February 28

Cook County Girl Scouts have invited community members to a Father Daughter Dance on Tuesday, February 28 from 6:30 - 8:30 at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts.

More than 100 people attended a public unveiling of the winter greenhouse in Finland. Photos by Ann Possis

Winter greenhouse brings organic produce to North Shore region year-round

A new greenhouse near Finland will allow local residents to grow organic produce year round. WTIP's Joe Friedrichs finds out more in this feature. 


City Council considers increased cost of public works facility

The major topic at the last Grand Marais City Council meeting, February 8, was the increased cost of its proposed public works facility.


Soil and Water profile increases

As awareness of water and land issues gain in importance, the role of Soil and Water Conservation District supervisors grows.


WTIP shares the latest Cook County law enforcement report

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from February 6 – February 12. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness celebrates 20 years with event in Grand Marais

The year 2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters’ founder and lead organization, Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness (NMW).


Weekend News Roundup for February 18

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. The county wants to pave the Pike Lake Road. A group of DFLers want Congressman Nolan to run for Governor.


Cook County Viking boys bring home State 3rd place trophy

The Cook County Vikings Alpine Ski team had several athletes at the State Meet at Giants Ridge on Wednesday, Febraruy 15.