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Rain-snow mix, 30 to 60 percent chance over weekend

Because of down telephone service, we’ve been unable to speak directly to the National Weather Service in Duluth. However we have been consulting their website.


Grand Marais Playhouse joins The Ghost Light Project

The Ghost Light Project is a national initiative of community theaters across the United States.


Cook County High School's Careers and Controversy night

Over the course of the school year, nine Cook County High School seniors reseached controversial topics within careers that interest them.


A great week for getting out and enjoy winter

This will be a great week to get out and enjoy January!


Tait Lake focus of algae study for Minnesota agency

A research associate with UMD’s Natural Resources Research Institute is seeking to understand harmful algae blooms in Minnesota, including a lake in Cook County.


Weekend News Roundup for January 14

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Ciscos in Lake Superior, A new Superintendent at Grand Portage Monument.


CCHS Alpine teams take first at Moose Mountain Invite

The Cook County Vikings hosted the Moose Mountain Invite at Lutsen Mountains on Thursday, January 12.


WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

Cook County Law Enforcement Report


Warmer weather is on the way

It’ll be cold into the weekend but it’ll soon start to warm up and the next week will be much warmer and very pleasant weather.