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Phone outage over, service restored countywide

At 7:03 a.m. today, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office announced that phone service, including 911, across Cook County has been restored and fiber optic cable was successfully repaired.


Weekend News Roundup for December 31

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. The County Board sets non-mandated cuts. The Gov. says Twin Metals is not dead yet. U.S.


CCHS Alpine ski coach gives a report

The Cook County High School Alpine ski season is full swing.


American Legion Post 413 Auxiliary kicks off charitable gambling

The mission of the American Legion Post 413 Auxiliary is to serve our nation's veterans and the community.


Local break-in has a bright side: community support

There was a Christmas break-in at The Odds & Endz shop. But while it’s sad to lose some money, there is a brighter side to the story.


Community nonprofits see county funding requests reduced

After much deliberation, the Cook County Board of Commissioners set the 2017 levy at $7.8 million, an increase for taxpayers over 2016 of 11.21 percent.


Christmas Bird Count in Cook County

The  Audubon Christmas Bird Count tradition continued in Cook County on Sunday, December 18.


Break-in at local business on Christmas Day

There was a break-in at a local business on Christmas Day.


Bass player Charlie Bruber on the Scenic Route

Charlie Bruber is an electric bass player from the Twin Cities currently playing with the groups Tabah and Black Market Brass, an afrobeat dance ensemble.