Local News
Phone outage over, service restored countywide
-At 7:03 a.m. today, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office announced that phone service, including 911, across Cook County has been restored and fiber optic cable was successfully repaired.
Weekend News Roundup for December 31
-Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. The County Board sets non-mandated cuts. The Gov. says Twin Metals is not dead yet. U.S.
American Legion Post 413 Auxiliary kicks off charitable gambling
-The mission of the American Legion Post 413 Auxiliary is to serve our nation's veterans and the community.
Local break-in has a bright side: community support
-There was a Christmas break-in at The Odds & Endz shop. But while it’s sad to lose some money, there is a brighter side to the story.
Community nonprofits see county funding requests reduced
-After much deliberation, the Cook County Board of Commissioners set the 2017 levy at $7.8 million, an increase for taxpayers over 2016 of 11.21 percent.
Christmas Bird Count in Cook County
-The Audubon Christmas Bird Count tradition continued in Cook County on Sunday, December 18.
Break-in at local business on Christmas Day
-There was a break-in at a local business on Christmas Day.
Bass player Charlie Bruber on the Scenic Route
Will Moore-Charlie Bruber is an electric bass player from the Twin Cities currently playing with the groups Tabah and Black Market Brass, an afrobeat dance ensemble.