Local News
UPDATE: Commissioners set levy at 11.21 percent
-Update: Following a meeting of the Cook County Commissioners that lasted until approximately 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20, the levy has been set at an increase of 11.21 percent.
Adventures in ice fishing with Joe Friedrichs
Will Moore-WTIP producer and music director Will Moore has never been properly ice fishing. As someone born and raised in Minnesota, he feels this needs to change.
Ship held in Duluth harbor now paying for North Shore environmental projects
-Last year the activities of a large ship in the Duluth harbor was hit with $1 million in penalties after pleading guilty to dumping oily wastewater into the Great Lakes.
Bethlehem Lutheran celebrates St. Lucia Day traditions
-St. Lucia Day is an important tradition of the Scandinavian culture. It is celebrated here in Cook County at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
Duluth-based Celtic group Eira brings "Glen Tidings"
-Eira (pronounce EH-ra) is a five-piece group from the Duluth area playing tunes from Ireland, Scotland, Newfoundland, and beyond.
Awareness of Cook County trapping valuable to pet owners
-Trapping remains a legal practice in Cook County and along the North Shore.
Weekend News Roundup for December 17
-A new attorney and a new trial date for Kirk Bigby. No lease renewal for Twin Metals. The commissioners vote to lower proposed levy…all this and more in the week’s news.
An interview with Nocka, the elf
-This is a busy time of year for Santa’s elves – and WTIP's Sherrie Lindskog was lucky enough to be able to talk with an elf.
Interview with airport manager Rodney Roy
-WTIP's Will Moore visited the Grand Marais/Cook County airport to learn more about the facility.