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WTIP shares the latest Cook County Law Enforcement report

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Cook County Law Enforcement Report
The following reports are a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the last week. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers. 

December 5
6:10 a.m. County Road 14 Party fell and hit head; now has pain in legs.
7:55 a.m. Cook County High School  Safe routes to school. 
8:51 a.m. Great Expectations School Traffic complaint: speeding and derogatory comment.
10:23 a.m. Schroeder  Reported a suspicious vehicle on their private road.
10:34 a.m. Pike Lake Road, Grand Marais  Papers served.
11:31 a.m. Law Enforcement Center Deputy transporting prisoner to court. 
11:47 a.m. Care Center, Grand Marais  Papers served
12:02 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Party requesting deputy call back.
1:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Party brought dog into law enforcement that was running around in Grand Marais, almost getting hit by vehicles 
1:48 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Received a permit to carry application.
2:55 p.m. Grand Marais Post Office  Report of a female with strong odor of alcohol at the post office.
4:23 p.m. Grand Marais  Traffic stop, warning given.
8:03 p.m. Grand Marais  Reporting a black pickup driving fast, running the stop sign at Broadway. Has a loud exhast system 
8:05 p.m. Taconite Harbor small craft harbor  Business check.
8:35 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte  Traffic stop, warning given.
9:47 p.m. Highway 61, Lake County  Caller hit a deer 5 miles into Lake County, no injuries. Call was transferred to lake county 
December 6
7:34 a.m. Tofte  Safe routes to school.
9:02 a.m. Holiday, Grand Marais  Happy Times touring bus hit canopy at Holiday gas station. Property damage no injuries 
11:05 a.m. East Highway 61  Vehicle off road hit tree, possible injuries transferred to Minnesota State Patrol.
11:06 a.m. Intersection Highway 61 and County Road 7  Signs were down at the intersection, rp put them off to the side, as they appear to belong to cchd 
11:17 a.m. Cook County courthouse Provide courtroom security
12:08 p.m. Grand Marais City Hall  Dropped off a Columbia men's jacket with fleece liner, green/teal in color - had been sitting in a flower pot in front of city hall.
1:07  Great Expectations School D.A.R.E.
2:06  Law Enforcement Center Party came to law enforcement to report damage to his van. 
2:14  North Shore Health  Adult protection meeting.
2:49  West Highway 61  A male in his 50s has fallen in the building and hit his head. No bleeding but is throwing up. Conscious and breathing. 
10:20  West Highway 61  Traffic stop, warning given.
11:23  Grand Marais  Man with high fever and chills, cough.
December 7
1:11 a.m. Mount Maude tower road, Grand Portage Radio tower is out of power.
1:43 a.m. Grandma Ray’s Drunk and unruly man starting fights. 
4:59 a.m. Old Shore Road, Grand Marais Got locked out of her house. 
7:23 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen General alarm - false alarm.
7:53 a.m. Cook County High School School patrol.
8:45 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Bureau of Criminal Apprehension wants a call back. 
9:10 a.m. Grand Portage  Traffic stop, warning given.
11:11 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Permit to purchase application received.
11:43 a.m. County Road 60, Grand Marais 92-year-old male fell, complaining of right hip pain. 
13:53 p.m. Camp 20 Road, Hovland  Residence check.
1:59 p.m. Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
2:38 p.m. West Highway 61  Stated hit deer near above location at 0630 
3:06 p.m. North Shore Health Party hit a green car with his red Chevy pickup when backing up. Requesting deputy. 
4:27 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Permit to purchase application received.
7:53 p.m. Sawmill Drive, Lutsen  Caller reporting investment fraud.
9:21 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Report of a homeless person in Lake County, adamant about coming to Grand Marais. Just giving a heads-up.
11:41 p.m. Irish Creek Road, Hovland  Rp states party of points unknown. States party has a new dog handler rp and is feeling threatened. 
December 8
7:47 a.m. Upper Road, Grand Portage School patrol.
8:01 a.m. Cook County High School School patrol.
9:15 a.m. MN Power, Schroeder Business check.
11:32 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
12:40 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  U.S. Coast Guard updating records and wanted to know what search and rescue boats Cook County has. 
2:08 p.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen Traffic stop, citation issued.
2:20 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Vehicle slid into the ditch. 
3:15 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party in lobby to report a missing, possibly stolen, antique snake bracelet 
3:16 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Permit to carry application received.
5:19 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  911 hang up from a 911-only phone. 
5:54 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party requests a callback about a mental health patient.
6:30 p.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage Traffic stop, warning given.
6:32 p.m. West Highway 61, Schroeder Party received a couple wrong number phone calls tonight. Party told the caller he had the wrong number and the caller got beligerent and stated he would come over kick his ass. 
10:04 p.m. Birch Terrace, Grand Marais  Party in the bar causing a disturbance, Individual arrested on a Wadena County warrant.
December 9
12:04 a.m. Grand Marais  Party complaining of chest pains.
2:25 a.m. Mile Creek Road, Grand Portage  Motion alarm at this address.
10:24 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Requesting to talk to a deputy about a threat issue. 
11:02 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Transporting prisoner to intercept Wadena County transport on the way to Wadena  Co jail.
11:28 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  At the court house for interview. 
12:25 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Deputy assistance in urine test for probation. 
12:37 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Individual at the law enforcement to have urine test performed.
12:57 p.m. Birch Terrace, Grand Marais Property damage.
1:41 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Individual at Law Enforcement to have urine test performed.
1:50 p.m. Bluefin Bay, Tofte Abandoned 911 call one ring and hang up.
3:23 p.m. Tofte  Reporting a vehicle that has been parked on the side of the highway since early this morning.
4:05 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Calling to let deputies know if they have dealings with an individual to contact the caller.
5:10 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Probation performing urine test with an individual.
6:45 p.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage Traffic stop, warning given.
8:16 p.m. Grand Portage  Party possibly banned from Grand Portage, in a black car.  
10:06 p.m. West Highway 61, Grand Marais  Traffic stop, warning given.
December 10
12:24 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
8:31 a.m. West Highway 61, Tofte Lost power during the night.
10:10 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued
11:19 a.m. Grand Marais  Security alarm going off.
11:44 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Probation performing a urine test on an individual.
11:51 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Probation performing a urine test on an individual.
2:09 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
3:51 p.m. Bluefin Bay, Tofte Abandoned 911 call from this location. Callback they said it was a misdial.
6:37 p.m. Lutsen  Dead deer in southbound lane of Highway 61, is near the fog line but in the roadway.
6:54 p.m. Cascade River Road  Car in the ditch - very broken call 
11:16 p.m. Grand Marais  Security alarm - work room motion at Grand Marais library 
11:46 p.m. Birch Terrace, Grand Marais  Walk through. 
December 11
1:30 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
9:31 a.m. West Highway 61 Reporting roads are becoming snow covered starting at mile marker 78 heading west.
10:47 a.m. Cascade Lodge  Traffic stop, warning given.
11:06 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen Traffic stop, warning given.
11:16 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen Traffic stop, warning given.
12:07 p.m. Schroeder  Reporting that West Highway 61 is covered with snow. 
3:59 p.m. Law Enforcement Center Cook County Public Health informing law enforcement of possible meth at a party’s house.
5:56 p.m. West Highway 61 911 call with no one on the line. Dispatch left a message on call back.
6:09 p.m. Upper Road, Grand Portage  Community Center dining room door - security alarm. 
6:48 p.m. Schroeder  Motorist in the ditch in Tac Harbor area - no injuries. Minnesota State Patrol to assist 
10:01 p.m. Grand Portage Assault reported. 
10:17 p.m. Lutsen  Party with mental health issues is drunk and texting.
11:23 p.m. South Shore Drive/Devil Track Road  Unoccupied vehicle in the ditch at this location.