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Bluefin shooter changes attorney, gets new trial date

By Rhonda Silence 

Grand Marais - Kirk Lee Bigby has a new attorney and his court date scheduled for January has been delayed.

Dave and Amy Freeman relax with Chef Lukas Leaf at camp on Rush Lake in the BWCAW. All photos by Joe Friedrichs

Dave and Amy Freeman discuss feds choice to block copper-nickel mine near BWCAW

On Tuesday, the federal government announced it will not renew the expired mineral leases of Twin Metals Minnesota. 


Snow, plenty of cold weather coming to the North Shore region

Snow is on the way on Friday, Dec. 16 and plenty of cold weather is in store for the weekend. WTIP’s Jay Anderson learns more in this interview. 


Workshops offered to improve "walkability" of Grand Marais

The Cook County Chamber and Moving Matters are hosting two “Walkabout” workshops to explore the things that might be done to improve the “walkability” of Grand Marais.


Cold weather looms in the forecast this week

There is some cold weather in the forecast this week, and WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with the National Weather Service to find out more. 


How to recycle propane canisters from ice fishing heaters

Many Northlanders have an abundance of those small green propane canisters used for heating ice shacks.


Weekend News Roundup for December 10

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Stewart Mills stops his recount bid. Lake Superior warming attributed to an algae.


A look inside the North Shore Health renovation and expansion

The North Shore Health hospital and care center campus has been a construction zone since July 2015 and work will continue into next fall.


WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

Cook County Law Enforcement Report


Behind the Scenes of WTIP's Youth Radio Project

WTIP's Youth Radio Project has grown significantly since it's rebirth two years ago.