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Dana and Jon Logan at Standing Rock. Submitted photo

Minnesota radio organization raising funds for coverage at Standing Rock

Minnesota Native News and the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations, known as Ampers, are raising funds to send a news team to cover the ongoing situation at the Standing Rock Res

LSProject logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSProject: Air quality plays key role on North Shore of Lake Superior

Air pollution has become a growing concern in the past few years, including here in Minnesota.


Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk attends training on transgender issues

Cook County Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk serves on the Association of Minnesota Counties “Futures Task Force,” which addresses leadership issues across the state.


Holiday season is not always tinsel and lights

The holiday season can be one of stress and even grief for people who have suffered a recent loss.


Angry Trout Cafe to distribute salad dressings this winter

Usually closed through the winter, the Angry Trout Cafe is trying something new this year.

A small, federally-owned cabin near Brule Lake. Photo by Joe Friedrichs

Forest Service explores options with cabin near Brule Lake

The U.S. Forest Service is exploring potential uses for a federally owned cabin near Brule Lake. One option involves opening the cabin to volunteers who clear nearby hiking trail.


Polar explorer Will Steger talks about Upper Manitou Forest Preserve

At the beginning of November, The Nature Conservancy purchased 240 acres of old growth forest near the George H. Crosby Manitou State Park from Polar explorer Will Steger.

Winter on the Cascade by Travis Novitsky

Free Park Friday returns to the North Shore on Nov. 25

Rather than spending the day after Thanksgiving shopping indoors, Minnesotans are once again being encouraged to spend their Black Friday (Nov.


WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

Cook County Law Enforcement Report