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WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

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Cook County Law Enforcement Report
The following reports are a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the last week. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers. 


November 27, 2016
7:28 a.m. Lutsen  Safe routes to school.
8:02 a.m. Sven And Ole’s Pizza, Security alarm. Hall to storage door.
8:08 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Would like deputy to call back. 
9:28 a.m. East Highway 61  Dead deer in west bound lane. 
9:55 a.m. Tire And Auto Lodge, Grand Marais Vehicle was being towed and came off the hooks. No injuries.
10:06 a.m. Bucks Hardware, Grand Marais Lost wallet, black fold in half. 
10:42 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party will be bringing in 14 long guns for storage. 
11:09 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party would like a call.
11:55 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party would like a call.
1:22 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given
1:25 p.m. Grand Portage  Young kids have taken things out of the garden and the gazebo.
4:08 p.m. Dockside Fish Market Party left a purse. Contains an Illinois driver’s license. They will keep the purse at their business. 
4:36 p.m. Grand Marais Caller reporting that their child got intoxicated at a party at this residence. Caller just wanted the host warned that they are aware of the parties and wants them stopped. 
4:46 p.m. County Road 7, Grand Marais Papers served.
5:09 p.m. Lutsen  Ladder in the roadway near here.
6:17 p.m. Grand Marais  Party is at this apartment yelling and kicking on the door. 
10:17 p.m. North Broadway, Grand Marais  Municipal parking lot and the road alongside the co-op are flooded over from the rain again.
November 28
2:18 a.m. Grand Portage  911 call with nobody on the line. 
7:52 a.m. Cook County High School  Safe routes to school. 
8:37 a.m. Cook County courthouse Zone 1 fire alarm. 
8:47 a.m. Cook County courthouse Reporting harassment.
9:21 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Bringing prisoner to court 
10:53 a.m. Arrowhead Trail, Hovland Culvert washing out 2 3/4 miles up the Arrowhead Trail. The road is falling in 
10:57 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Permit to carry application received. 
10:58 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Permit to carry application received. 
11:08 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Lost credit card holder with cards in it. 
11:12 a.m. County Road 1 Large tree over the road. About 12" diameter.
11:23 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
12:18 p.m. Cutoff Rd, Grand Marais Residence check.
12:55 p.m. Great Expectations School D.A.R.E. class.
2:23 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Compliance check.
3:12 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Taking prisoner to Wright County jail for housing.
3:59 p.m. Grand Marais Caller states ex-girlfriend broke TV.
4:31 p.m. Tofte  Storage unit was broken into.
7:07 p.m. MN Power, Schroeder  Business check.
9:01 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Person with Cook County warrant turning himself in.
November 29
1:37 a.m. Grand Marais  Giving someone a ride home.
4:12 a.m. Grand Portage  Party called from the casino and stated her boyfriend took off with her cell phone and wanted the Sheriff’s Office to get it back.
5:38 a.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage Water in the creek at this address is backed up at the culvert, about to go over the road. It could wash out the highway.
6:06 a.m. Grand Portage  Male in late 30s having diabetic reactions.
7:46 a.m. Upper Rd, Grand Portage School patrol. 
9:03 a.m. Grand Portage Human Services Request deputy assistance at the office. 
11:00 a.m. Grand Marais  Party requests deputy presence. 
11:10 a.m. Mineral Center Rd, Grand Portage Reported about 6" of water over the road in this area. 
11:48 a.m. Mile Creek Road, Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
12:32 p.m. Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
1:07 p.m. Grand Marais  Can hear somone in the backround but not answering 
2:46 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Request a welfare check on party.
3:19 p.m. Grand Portage  Arrested two parties on St. Louis County warrants.
5:36 p.m. South Shore Drive, Grand Marais  Papers served.
5:53 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Hit moose. No vehicle damage and saw the moose running off.
6:41 p.m. Grand Marais  Public assist.
6:51 p.m. Grand Marais  Dog ran off. Black and white beagle mix. Orange collar and answers to Bo. Friendly. 
9:06 p.m. Grand Marais  Party purposely broke a bottle of liquor inside reporting party’s car.
11:28 p.m. Grand Marais  Residence check.
November 30
7:32 a.m. Grand Marais  Woman arrested for 5th degree assault.
7:45 a.m. Upper Rd, Grand Portage School patrol. 
8:11 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Transporting prisoner to doctor in Two Harbors. 
8:37 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Please call party back.
9:07 a.m. Hovland  Traffic stop, warning given.
9:45 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party calling to report that he was in Cook County last week and did not notice that someone had hit the back of his vehicle. 
10:42 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Abandoned call and on callback no emergency call made.
10:55 a.m. 143 Gunflint Trail  Giving an update about female who is living out of her vehicle. 
11:47 a.m. County Rd 44/County Rd 7  Horse is loose approx. 1/4 west of this location. 
12:56 p.m. Grand Marais Post Office Female tripped on the sidewalk and hit her face. 
1:39 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Taking inmate to court.
1:51 p.m. Grand Marais  Papers served.
2:15 p.m. Pike Lake Road, Grand Marais Papers served.
2:42 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Would like to talk to a deputy about a camper.
2:55 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  General manager would like a callback from deputy. 
3:33 p.m. U.S. Customs, Grand Portage  Papers served.
4:02 p.m. Lutsen Rock in the westbound lane.
5:17 p.m. Grand Portage  Party was gone for a week and when they returned here someone has been in their home.
5:22 p.m. Grand Portage  Interviewing parties.
6:34 p.m. Tofte  Caller reporting a dead dog in the westbound lane 
6:40 p.m. Grand Portage Traffic stop, warning given.
6:53 p.m. Grand Marais  Traffic stop, citation issued.
7:37 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte  Traffic stop, warning given.
7:41 p.m. East Highway 61 Black dog ran off. Small mixed breed wearing a collar with no tags. Friendly dog that answers to Chopper 
8:53 p.m. Grand Marais  Party out for a walk noticed a white Toyota Camry driving around the neighborhood. Looked out of place. 
December 1
2:48 a.m. Grand Portage  Party came to caller’s door and demanded money that was owed. Party states he called him by the wrong name and that he doesn't owe party anything.
6:33 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen  Traffic stop, warning given.
6:40 a.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen  Traffic stop, warning given.
7:28 a.m. Grand Portage  Party wants 2 individuals removed from this location.
7:49 a.m. Birchwood Apartments, Grand Marais Semi parked on upper side of road is causing a hazard as he is parked right by the driveway and this is where the school bus picks up the kids.
9:44 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Transporting party to courthouse for appearance.
10:09 a.m. Grand Portage  Property owner does not want parties there. Two parties arrested for burglary.
10:33 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Urine test for a female party 
11:12 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Female party here to take a urine test 
11:26 a.m. Grand Portage  Papers served.
11:51 a.m. East Highway 61/Whippoorwill Lane Requesting ambulance for female party.
11:54 a.m. Cook County Senior Center Homeless female came in for a cup of coffee and paid with a dollar bill that was marked up with ink.
12:38 p.m. Grand Marais  Party at location without permission to be there.
12:40 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Taking male to hospital.
1:55 p.m. Grand Marais Transporting party home 
3:50 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Received permit to purchase application. 
4:09 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Traffic stop, warning given.
4:56 p.m. Birchwood Apartments, Grand Marais  Would like to see a deputy.
5:33 p.m. County Rd 7/Fall River Road Horse and donkey are loose on road. 
5:53 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party needs a urine test.
7:01 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
7:10 p.m. East Highway 61  Traffic stop, warning given
8:24 p.m. North Shore Health  7-year-old injured after hitting shotgun shell. 
9:09 p.m. West Highway 61, Tofte  Traffic stop, warning given
9:26 p.m. Tofte General Store & Bottle Shop Reckless driving traffic complaint. 
9:29 p.m. Hovland  Traffic stop, clear.
10:19 p.m. Grand Marais  Party left a pit bull dog in the business entry way.
December 2
12:44 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given
1:10 p.m. East Highway 61  State employee arrived and there is damage to the front door.
1:47 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Would like a callback from deputy.
2:24 p.m. East Highway 61, Kimball Creek Motorist assist, west bound on shoulder at this location.
3:09 p.m. MnDOT garage, Grand Marais  1999 GMC Jimmy broke down on the west bound shoulder, will have it towed on Monday 
5:31 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
6:01 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
6:10 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Caller picked up stray dog that was in traffic near mile marker 69, not sure where to take it.
6:26 p.m. Chicago Bay Marketplace, Hovland Traffic stop, citation issued.
9:53 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party needs to speak with a deputy about a child custody. 
11:57 p.m. Caribou Trail, Lutsen Just had a vehicle go in the ditch, appears everyone is ok.
December 3
2:35 a.m. Bluefin Bay, Tofte Ambulance needed for 48-year-old male.
4:06 a.m. Gunflint Trail/Devil Track Road Road is slippery. Intersection is like a sheet of ice. 
5:57 a.m. Grand Portage  Highway 61 is slippery from Grand Marais all the way up to Grand Portage. 
7:43 a.m. Cook County courthouse  Child protective services protocol.
8:25 a.m. Tofte Holiday  Assist State Patrol.
10:39 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Asking if deputy will please call him back.
10:58 a.m. School House Rd/Gunflint Trl, 2uno  Vehicle in the ditch, no injuries and tow is on the way. Requesting squad for lights.
12:09 p.m. Co Rd 60, Grand Marais Public assist.
1:01 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
1:23 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Asking if deputy can call back.
2:57 p.m. Romans Road, Lutsen Ambulance needed for 80-year-old. 
4:22 p.m. Caribou Highlands Lodge, Lutsen  Driver’s side back door damage, reported for insurance purpose. 
7:29 p.m. Pike Lake Rd, Grand Marais Papers served.
7:30 p.m. Grand Marais  Papers served.
7:40 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
11:51 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.