Phone outage over, service restored countywide
At 7:03 a.m. today, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office announced that phone service, including 911, across Cook County has been restored and fiber optic cable was successfully repaired.
“We are very pleased that the fiber was able to be repaired overnight and 911, and all phone service, is up and running across the County,” said Sheriff Pat Eliasen. “We had deputies stationed at six locations throughout the County as well as emergency personnel staffing all Fire Halls for citizens in the event of an emergency while 911 service was down.
“Fortunately, this ended up being a precautionary measure and none of these dedicated professionals had to be used nor did any issues arise during the outage. I commend them and our dispatch team for their dedication to public safety and their community and extend my thanks to everyone involved throughout the night,” said Sheriff Eliasen.