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City and MnDOT host open house on proposed Highway 61 redesign

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Representatives of the Minnesota Department of Transportation have visited Grand Marais several times in preparation for the reconstruction of Highway 61 through the city in 2019.

At a meeting two months ago, MnDOT unveiled a preliminary plan for the Highway 61 redesign through Grand Marais. Citizens in attendance gave feedback and suggestions for refinement.

MnDOT is returning Thursday, Feb. 2 with the latest version of the proposed highway design. To learn more, the public is invited to attend the open house at Grand Marais City Hall at 6 p.m. There will be a brief presentation and then MnDOT representatives and city staff will answer questions and again gather public comments.

These meetings are a continuation of the work begun in February 2016 when a MnDOT design team, including consultants CJ Fernandez and Jason Aune of Aune Fernandez Landscape Architects and Mike Fischer of LHB, Inc., shared concept designs. The city continues to collect community involvement, seeking feedback on things such as parking, safe crossings, street landscaping, and a walk/bike trail.

If you are unable to attend this meeting, the plans are available for viewing at City Hall anytime during normal business hours.

Photo courtesy of Moving Matters