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Note time change: Sexual Violence in the community is First Thursday topic for March

According to a new national survey by the Centers for Disease Control, nearly half of Minnesota women experience some kind of sexual abuse.


Girls start post season play Thursday

The Cook County girls will meet the Carlton Bulldogs at 7:45 Thursday night in Esko for the first round of the sub-section basketball playoffs.


No action on suburban courthouse security

Despite expressing support, Hennepin County commissioners Tuesday delayed acting on interim steps to bolster security at the county's three suburban courtrooms.


Bill would start Minn. wolf season on deer opener

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minnesota's first wolf hunting season would open at the same time as the state's main firearms deer season under a broad policy bill a Minnesota House committee will consider


Ashley Deschampe in second round of national three-point shooting voting

Cook County basketball standout Ashley Deschampe has advanced into the second round of the National High School Three-Point Championship competition on Facebook.


Weekend brought snow, more may be on the way

This weekend the snows came, and more could be on the way.


Canadian border change of heart

After years of turning back Americans with drunken-driving and other misdemeanor convictions, Canadian border officials are about to relax their entry restrictions.


Weekend News Roundup for Feb. 25

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Moose population continues to decline; hunting season to be evaluated

Minnesota's moose population continues to decline, dropping from an estimate of 4,900 in 2011 to 4,230 in 2012, according to the annual aerial survey by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.<