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Weekend News Roundup for March 3

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.

Grand Portage Tribal Council Vice-Chairman John Morrin speaks at the Grand Marais rally / photo Stephan Hoglund

People rally against sulfide mining in Grand Marais

On Thursday about 100 people gathered in Grand Marais Harbor Park.


Ashley Deschampe in final eight competitors for national three-point shootout

Cook County Viking Ashley Deschampe is looking for votes in her bid to make a trip to New Orleans for the National High School Three-Point Championship in late March.

Stonebridge Singers Drum from Grand Portage - photo by Stephan Hoglund

Stonebridge Singers Drum from Grand Portage at Sled Dogs to St. Paul Rally

The Stone Bridge Singers Drum is a group made up of 11 young men from Grand Portage. They kicked off Thursday’s “Sled Dogs To St.


Lodging tax revenues for January are down compared to last year

Lodging tax revenues for the first month of 2012 were down from January of last year county-wide.


City moves forward with swimming pool litigation

The City of Grand Marais is moving ahead with litigation regarding the swimming pool and Burbach Aquatics. WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with Mayor Larry Carlson.


GES planning for the 2012-13 school year

The Great Expectations School board met to look ahead to the 2012-13 year, discuss budgets and expanding enrollment. Wtip's Jay Andersen spoke with GES administrator Peter James.


Lakeshore septic compliance on Co. Bd. agenda

Lakeshore septic compliance and a possible partnership for the new community center were topics at the recent county board meeting. WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Bruce Martinson.


GES planning for the 2012-13 school year

The Great Expectations School board met to begin planning for the 2012-13 school year, hold budget discussions and plan for an enrollment of 80 students.


Sled dogs to deliver petitions to St. Paul

Frank Moe, a ten dog team and contingent of mushing supporters gather in Harbor Park Thursday to begin an eight day trek to the State Capitol with petitions against sulfide mining near the BWCAW.