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Courthouse security is topic for WTIP’s "First Thursday," April 5

In response to the dramatic rise in local courthouse violence across the nation, Minnesota’s U.S. Sens. Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar have introduced the Local Courthouse Safety Act.


WTIP Weekend NewsRoundup for March 31

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week Fire restrictions to go on Monday, fishing restrictions along the border take affect, haze restric


Mayor Carlson reviews this week's city council meeting

Grand Marais is not blighted and a slum – except on paper. Mayor Larry Carlson elaborates on grant request language as well as zip lines, cable TV and good news from the fire department.


Interview: DNR to reassess state deer herd

The state Department of Natural Resources will be taking a closer look at deer populations in Minnesota this summer – and they’re asking for input.


Commissioner questions fly over photos

Commissioner Fritz Sobanja had Taconite Harbor and high resolution fly-by photos on his mind after this week’s county board meeting.


Lodging tax revenues for February are up and down compared to last year

Lodging tax revenues for the second month of 2012 were down from February of last year county-wide.


Study looks at Minnesota's forest-breeding birds

The Ups and Downs of Forest Birds

Two decades of survey data paint a generally positive portrait of Minnesota's forest breeding-bird populations—with a few troubling trends.


MPCA delays vote on park haze rules

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Regulators have postponed voting on a plan for reducing haze over the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota.


DNR to stage limited moose hunt this fall

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will offer a limited bulls-only moose hunt next fall, and is closing two hunting zones in St.