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State Wildlife Vet discusses moose mortality

The Minnesota DNR will join other agencies by GPS collaring moose this fall.


GPS moose tracking yielding valuable information

Technology is helping researchers keep better track of the Arrowhead moose herd. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Dr.


North Shore conifers in state of stress

Conifers around Cook County are looking stressed. Year-long drought conditions are the probable cause.


Rain, then warm the rest of the week

The week ahead hold a little more rain and lots of sunshine. WTIP’ Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Carol Christenson who predicts a warmer drier rest of May.


YMCA CEO Chris Francis on Community Center partnership

As planning for a new Cook County Community Center continues, one of the options being looked at is a management partnership with the Duluth YMCA.


Looking At Other Community Centers: Part 1

As planning for a new Cook County Community Center continues, we're taking a closer look at schools around the state that have attached community centers, to find out how that’s working and what


Revised ISD166 School Calendar is WTIP’s First Thursday topic

The ISD166 school board has voted to try a different calendar for the 2012-13 school year.


Study monitors turbidity in Lake Superior streams

Many streams along the Minnesota coast of Lake Superior have been listed as impaired from either high turbidity or high fish mercury concentrations or both.  In this interview, WTIP volunteer Ver


Lodging tax revenues for March are mixed

Lodging tax revenues for the third month of 2012 were relatively steady compared to March of last year county-wide.


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for April 28

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.