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"Move it in May" - Youth Academics

"Move it in May" is a month-long celebration of active living in Cook County - sponsored by Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, North Shore Health Care Foundation, Health Reform Minnesota, Lloyd K.


Weekend News Roundup for May 19

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week. Burning restricts to lift, BP oil spill remnants show up in Minnesota birds, Rep.


Cutworm egg masses showing up in our region

The mystery of the yellow egg masses showing up on screens and windows throughout the area has been solved.


Suppression continuing for Highway 1 fire at southern edge of Ely

 Highway 1 Fire Update

May 18, 2012

From the Minnesota Incident Command System


Grand Portage State Park opens "People Wall"

A new photo display has been installed at Grand Portage State Park. WTIP’s Jay Andersen interviewed Park Naturalist Anna Deschampe  about the “People Wall.”


Rep. Dill reflects on legislative session

The legislative session is over and District 6A Rep, David Dill has some reflections on what worked and didn’t.


Deer Hunters Mark Johnson talks moose habitat

Good moose habitat is also good deer habitat.


Weekend News Roundup for May 12

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Officials talk about the zipline property purchase and other Grand Marais issues

The controversy over land purchased from the City of Grand Marais to build a zipline continues to boil.


Rep. Cravaack backs wilderness land swaps

Just days after the Minnesota Legislature approved a plan to trade state land in the Boundary Waters for federal land outside the wilderness, U.S. Rep.