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Warmer weather, but not summer yet

Warmer weather, but still it’s April, so the overnight lows won’t be balmy. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson about the week’s forecast.


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for April 21

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.

Spring (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

Sally Nankivell, Scott Harrison & Frank Moe featured on Almanac North

Sally Nankivell, Scott Harrison and Frank Moe were interviewed on PBS's Almanac North program about tourism in Cook County (Interview starts at about 14:10).


USFS names new Forest chief

The U.S. Forest Service announced Wednesday that Brenda Halter has been named the new supervisor of the Superior National Forest.


GES administrator talks about enrollment and the school calendar

Great Expectations School administrator Peter James looks at enrollment, expansion plans and a revised school calendar. James spoke with WTIP's Jay Andersen.


Sen. Franken explains his courthouse security bill

Sen. Al Franken spoke with WTIP’s Jay Andersen on “Daybreak” earlier.


Community members share thoughts on Community Center at Public Input Meeting

The Cook County Community Center Steering Committee held a public input meeting on Tuesday night. Over 30 people attended the meeting, and WTIP’s Kelly Schoenfelder has this report.


Thunder and lightning, then snow hit our region

The new week has started out in a very interesting way over our region. We had thunderstorms last night followed by heavy winds and snow earlier today.


CCHS Band Students talk about Spring Trip

The Cook County High School Band recently returned from a special trip to Memphis, Tennessee and Orlando, Florida.


WTIP Weekend NewsRoundup for April 14

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.