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Fire restrictions likely to start locally April 2

Rain may be falling and in the forecast, but we’re still under drought conditions.


Park Service to study Isle Royale wolves

The National Park Service has begun an internal review of the wolf population and wildlife dynamics on Isle Royale.


ISD166 to try modified 4-day calendar

The ISD166 school board will decide on money saving school calendar changes at its April 19 meeting.


ISD166 discusses modified 4-day schedule for 2012-13

The ISD166 school board recently met to discuss, among other things, budget reductions and wjat will result in a 50-50 modified four-day school week.


Burning restrictions take effect March 26 for much of state

Fire danger in most of Minnesota is expected to increase rapidly in the coming week, as the snow continues to melt and winds dry the dead standing grass and brush in open areas.


WTIP Weekend NewsRoundup for March 17

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Isle Royale wolves may go extinct

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — Scientists say the gray wolves of Isle Royale National Park are dangerously close to extinction.


Warm weather and melting snow means increased fire danger

Unseasonably warm, dry weather may mean an early spring, but it could bring higher fire danger with the higher temps.

Kelly Schoenfelder and Barbara Jean Johnson

WTIP wins awards from Minnesota Associated Press

WTIP is being recognized for two features produced by station staff in the 2011 Minnesota AP Broadcasters Awards.


County-ISD166 discuss new community center

The county and ISD166 are once again talking about a collaboration. WTIP’s Jay Andersen has this report on the school, community center and the YMCA.