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Study outlines solutions to Asian Carp threat

(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with Great Lakes Commission executive director Tim Eder.)


New Minn. legislative maps pair 46 incumbents

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota's new legislative district maps pit 46 incumbents against each other and create 23 open seats.


Ashley Deschampe competes for spot in national three-point shootout

Cook County High School senior guard Ashley Deschampe has been chosen as one of 16 girls to compete for the final spot in the National High School Three-Point Championship Shootout.


Weekend News Roundup for Feb. 18

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Detour begins Feb. 21 on Highway 1 south of Ely

Motorists will encounter a detour on Hwy 1 south of Ely beginning Tuesday, Feb.


Northern MN Bands to split $20 million

The federal government appears ready to make amends for a dark period in Indian relations 123 years ago that took timber and land from six northern Minnesota Chippewa reservations.


Loyal following for weekly Water Fitness classes

Weekly Water Fitness classes at the Grand Marais Municipal Swimming Pool are attracting a loyal following.  Classes are held every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 9:00


New Climate Preparedness Support for Lake Superior Communities

(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with Diane Desotelle - Sea Grant's new Climage Change Extension Educator.)


Obama seeks $300 million for Great Lakes cleanup

President Barack Obama is requesting $300 million to continue funding a wide-ranging Great Lakes environmental cleanup program in the 2013 fiscal year.


Mercury levels high in North Shore babies

(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with study author and lead research scientist Pat McCann of the Minnesota Department of Health)