Local News
Study outlines solutions to Asian Carp threat
-(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with Great Lakes Commission executive director Tim Eder.)
New Minn. legislative maps pair 46 incumbents
Associated Press (AP)-ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota's new legislative district maps pit 46 incumbents against each other and create 23 open seats.
Ashley Deschampe competes for spot in national three-point shootout
-Cook County High School senior guard Ashley Deschampe has been chosen as one of 16 girls to compete for the final spot in the National High School Three-Point Championship Shootout.
Weekend News Roundup for Feb. 18
-Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.
Detour begins Feb. 21 on Highway 1 south of Ely
-Motorists will encounter a detour on Hwy 1 south of Ely beginning Tuesday, Feb.
Northern MN Bands to split $20 million
-The federal government appears ready to make amends for a dark period in Indian relations 123 years ago that took timber and land from six northern Minnesota Chippewa reservations.
Loyal following for weekly Water Fitness classes
-Weekly Water Fitness classes at the Grand Marais Municipal Swimming Pool are attracting a loyal following. Classes are held every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 9:00
New Climate Preparedness Support for Lake Superior Communities
-(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with Diane Desotelle - Sea Grant's new Climage Change Extension Educator.)
Obama seeks $300 million for Great Lakes cleanup
Associated Press (AP)-President Barack Obama is requesting $300 million to continue funding a wide-ranging Great Lakes environmental cleanup program in the 2013 fiscal year.
Mercury levels high in North Shore babies
Associated Press (AP)-(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with study author and lead research scientist Pat McCann of the Minnesota Department of Health)