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House committee passes county attorney protections bill

A Minnesota state House committee has passed a bill that would let county attorneys carry guns on the job.


Mayor Carlson talks about biomass and business retention

Grand Marais Mayor Larry Carlson reports on two presentations made at this week’s city council meeting. WTIP’s Jay Andersen interviewed the mayor on the AM Community Calendar.


Conflicting wolf hunt plans floated in St. Paul

Two competing plans for a Minnesota wolf hunt in the fall will be discussed at a hearing today at the state Capitol.


Courthouse security measures taken by commissioners

Since the courthouse shooting in December, Cook County commissioners have been considering security measures for the safety of the public and courthouse staff.


Great Expectations reviews nine years as a charter school

The school board at Great Expectations held their annual retreat. Next fiscal year, the school will celebrate 10 years.


Rep. Dill introduces wolf hunt bill

A bill has been introduced calling for a wolf season to coincide with the firearms deer season -- a move Department of Natural Resources officials oppose.


Abandoned mines hold potential to capture wind energy

Minnesota’s Iron Range is pocked with ponds — abandoned open pit mines — that could help energy providers more efficiently use intermittent renewable energy sources, such as wind, to


Weekend News Roundup for January 21

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


ISD166 continues to face budget woes

ISD166 continues to face budget woes. The school board is taking steps, but less money from governments and declining enrollment will eventually mean more cuts.


Tim Kennedy talks about the Worldloppet Masters Tour

Tim Kennedy of Grand Marais has completed the Worldloppet Masters Tour, which means he’s skied all over Europe and North America. He’s also skied the American Birkiebeiner 30 times.