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Interstate 35 lane closures scheduled for Feb. 7–8 in Duluth

The Minnesota Department of Transportation has advised that motorists traveling on Interstate 35 in Duluth will encounter lane closures Tuesday, Feb. 7, and Wednesday, Feb.


There is snow in Cook County

There’s enough snow in Cook County to ski, snowshoe and snowmobile, even though that’s not the case in much of the rest of Minnesota.


Volks Ski 400 Community Challenge this Saturday

Established in 2010, the Volks Ski 400 is county-wide event which invites cross country skiers of all abilities to team up in an attempt to collectively ski all 400+ kilometers of Cook County’s


Weekend News Roundup for Feb. 4

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Lake level drop is normal for Jan.

The level of Lake Superior dropped three inches in January, about the usual decline for the month, according to the International Lake Superior Board of Control.


Mercury levels high in North Shore babies

One in 10 babies along Minnesota's North Shore are born with unhealthy levels of mercury in their bodies. That, according to a new report on contamination around Lake Superior.


Senator Franken discusses wolves, manufacturing, mahnomen

Minnesota US Senator Al Franken talked about the Federal delisting of grey wolves, Minnesota's hi-tech manufacturing potential and mahnomen porridge with WTIP DayBreak host Roger&nb


Rep. David Dill on wolves and mining

State Representative David Dill (DFL-Crane Lake) spoke to WTIP's Carah Thomas on Tuesday, January 31st, sharing his views on wolf management and precious metals mining.


Weekend News Roundup for Jan. 28

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Autopsy finds Schlienz died of infection

DULUTH, Minn. — An autopsy finds the man accused of shooting a prosecutor and another man last month at the Cook County Courthouse died from a bacterial infection.