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Volks Ski 400 Community Challenge this Saturday

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Established in 2010, the Volks Ski 400 is county-wide event which invites cross country skiers of all abilities to team up in an attempt to collectively ski all 400+ kilometers of Cook County’s groomed ski trails in a single day. Skiers are asked to sign up for their favorite section of Cook County ski trail to ski on Saturday, February 11 as part of the Volks Ski effort. While you’re welcome to sign up as an individual, you’re encouraged to form a team.

There’s a $10 entry fee for the Volks Ski 400 and you’ll need to have a valid ski pass for the section of ski trail you’ve chosen. On the Gunflint Trail, that means you’ll either need a Central or Upper Gunflint Ski Pass, which can be purchased from participating lodges. The rest of Cook County’s ski trails require the Great Minnesota Ski Pass. For your participation in the Volks Ski, you’ll receive a long sleeved t-shirt and bragging rights.

Why attempt to ski every inch of Cook County ski trail in a day? Why not? The event is meant to showcase Cook County’s ski trail system, which just happens to be the largest groomed cross country ski trail system in North America. The event is non-competitive, giving you a chance to complete your trail section at your own rate. The event also raises funds for the Children’s Nature Network. It’s a good time, good exercise, and a good cause all rolled into one.

If you’re participating in Winter Tracks, be sure to bring your passport. You’ll get another entry to win a Cook County getaway by taking part in the Volks Ski 400. Score!

(Attached is an interview with Maggie Barnard of the Cook County Visitor's Bureau about the Volks Ski 400 and other nordic ski events being held in conjunction with the county-wide Winter Tracks Festival, Feb. 3-12.)