Ashley Deschampe competes for spot in national three-point shootout
Cook County High School senior guard Ashley Deschampe has been chosen as one of 16 girls to compete for the final spot in the National High School Three-Point Championship Shootout.
Viking Coach TJ Super reports that Deschampe was asked to submit a video. The video is now online on Facebook where Deschampe is competing in a tournament with 15 other girls’ videos for a chance to go to New Orleans on March 30. The shootout will be held during the NCAA Final Four Weekend.
The coach says Deschampe is the only Minnesota player and the only one from the Upper Midwest to compete for the shootout. He asks that Cook County Vikings fans vote for her and support her bid.
Super says the rules are simple: Deschampe’s video is up against another video for a week. The video with the most votes moves on to the next round. The link for the voting is
Once there, click on "Vote Now." Each Facebook user can vote once per day and voters can vote every day.