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Detour begins Feb. 21 on Highway 1 south of Ely

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  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.

Motorists will encounter a detour on Hwy 1 south of Ely beginning Tuesday, Feb. 21, while crews blast and remove rock in preparation to reconstruct a five-mile section of Hwy 1 next spring and summer. Minnesota Department of Transportation engineers estimate the work will take at least three weeks. 
About 5 miles of Hwy 1 will be closed between Forest Road 424/New Tomahawk Road and just north of Forest Road 553. Motorists will be required to follow the posted detour, which is about 30 miles long.

According to Michael Kalnbach, MnDOT project engineer they have uncovered significant amounts of rock in numerous areas along the route that were anticipated to be granular or regular soil materials. As a result of the needed additional rock blasting and removal, MnDOT will have to detour motorists for more days than originally expected…and reopen Hwy 1 as soon as possible.