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Sheriff discusses increased medical 911 calls and more

Courthouse security, a new deputy in Grand Portage and dispatchers dealing with medical emergencies.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff Mark Falk about these and other public safety is


DNR announces temporary seasonal fishing closures

As ice-out begins and waters warm, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is announcing seasonal closures that protect fish spawning areas.


Commissioner Sertich talks about IRRRB listening sessions

Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board Commissioner Tony Sertich will be in town for a listening session Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.


Dr. Rolf Peterson on Isle Royale's wolves

The National Park Service has begun an internal review of the wolf population and wildlife dynamics on Isle Royale.


Week ahead will have colder, wetter weather

The week ahead looks like cooler, wetter weather ahead. WTIP’ Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Stewart on a return to normal early spring weather.


Minn. updating rules to fight BWCAW, Voyageurs haze

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — State regulators are preparing to add some enforcement teeth to rules meant to cut the haze that sometimes clouds the views in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Vo


WTIP Weekend NewsRoundup for March 24

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week Fire restrictions to go on, ISD166 to start a hybrid 4-day calendar, the Park Service looks at Isl


Rep. Dill discusses a Constitutional Amendment and the rest of the current legislative session

The Voter ID Constitutional Amendment bill is moving through the Legislature. DFL Rep. David Dill doesn’t think much of it. Rep. Dill spoke with WTIP’s Jay Andersen this week.


County may avoid redistricting special election

It looks as though Cook County will avoid a special election in one commissioner district due to a change in the census. Also, bullet-proof glass may be in the court house future.


GES looks at ISD166 proposed hybrid four-day calendar

Great Expectations Charter School has some functional ties to ISD166.