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Weekend News Roundup for June 2

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Lodging tax revenues for April are mixed

Lodging tax revenues for the fourth month of 2012 were down for the most part compared to April of last year county-wide.


Sled Dogs to Saint Paul movie in the works

Back in March, local musher Frank Moe travelled to St.


The wilderness is wet and muddy

The portages are muddy, the lakes and streams are high and safety in the wilderness is a concern.


Container Gardening may be the answer for local growers

Clay soil, rock and a short growing season are three reasons why gardeners may choose containers for planting.


Sheriff talks about GPS Boundary Waters rescue

A Boundary Waters rescue was made with the help of a GPS device. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff Mark Falk  about law enforcement activities for the month of May.


Aquatic Invasive Species public info session set for June 6

A public information meeting to explore the potential impact of Aquatic Invasive Species on the Gunflint Trail region's lakes and fishing will be held at 4 PM, Wednesday, June 6 at the Hungry Jack Lod


Swimming in Superior: warmer, sooner

Swimmers may be able to remain in Lake Superior a few minutes longer and perhaps earlier than usual this year – that, according to a report in today’s Minneapolis StarTribune.


Zellner wins kayak race

YANKTON, S.D. (AP) - A Minnesota man won the South Dakota Kayak Challenge on the Missouri River over the holiday weekend.