Local News
Weekend News Roundup for June 2
-Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.
Lodging tax revenues for April are mixed
-Lodging tax revenues for the fourth month of 2012 were down for the most part compared to April of last year county-wide.
The wilderness is wet and muddy
-The portages are muddy, the lakes and streams are high and safety in the wilderness is a concern.
Container Gardening may be the answer for local growers
-Clay soil, rock and a short growing season are three reasons why gardeners may choose containers for planting.
Sheriff talks about GPS Boundary Waters rescue
-A Boundary Waters rescue was made with the help of a GPS device. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sheriff Mark Falk about law enforcement activities for the month of May.
Aquatic Invasive Species public info session set for June 6
-A public information meeting to explore the potential impact of Aquatic Invasive Species on the Gunflint Trail region's lakes and fishing will be held at 4 PM, Wednesday, June 6 at the Hungry Jack Lod
Swimming in Superior: warmer, sooner
-Swimmers may be able to remain in Lake Superior a few minutes longer and perhaps earlier than usual this year – that, according to a report in today’s Minneapolis StarTribune.
Zellner wins kayak race
Associated Press (AP)-YANKTON, S.D. (AP) - A Minnesota man won the South Dakota Kayak Challenge on the Missouri River over the holiday weekend.