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Warm and dry for most of the week

The week ahead looks fairly dry with just a possibility of rain for the weekend. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Carol Christenson.


Weekend News Roundup for July 7

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Improved public landing tops Park Board discussions

The Grand Marais Park Board met on July 3. Improvements to the DNR public access topped the agenda.


Jay Cooke State Park closed indefinitely

Because State Highway 210 remains closed due to severe flood damage, The Minnesota DNR announced that Jay Cooke State Park in northeastern Minnesota also will remain closed indefinitely.


Weekend News Roundup for June 30

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Lodging tax revenues for May are mixed

Lodging tax revenues for the fifth month of 2012 were down for the most part compared to May of last year county-wide.


City to begin capital expenditure discussions

The City of Grand Marais will be looking at large capital expenditures for infrastructure this summer and the swimming pool issue is close to being resolved.


Arts Festival activities include music and a meet-and-greet

The Grand Marais Arts Festival is July 14 and 15. WTIP’s Jay Andersen and Roger Linehan spoke with Kjersti Vick about some of the special activities.


State to cut back on county Veterans Service Officer funding

The state is opting out of helping to support the county’s Veterans Service Officer position.


Sen. Franken talks about flood damage visits

State and federal officials have been in the Arrowhead to assess the recent flood damage. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sen. Al Franken about his visit and what he’s seen.