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Water rescues highlight month's law enforcement work

River rescues, a Dragon Boat capsizes and we’re into Fisherman’s Picnic.


Pond scum found in warming waters of Lake Superior

SUPERIOR, Wis. (AP) — State park officials have found pond scum on the waters of Lake Superior, a discovery that might be linked to warmer water temperatures.


Whooping cough is on the rise in the state, but so far not locally

So far, so good.   There’s no reported cases of whooping cough in the county....yet.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sawtooth Mountain Clinic nurse Amy Marie Schmidt about p


Warm but a little wet this week

The week ahead looks on and off rainy. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Carol Christenson about weather for the Picnic.


WTIP’s County Commissioner Primary Candidate Forum

Welcome to WTIP’s County Commissioner Primary Candidate Forum. On Thursday, July 26 we heard from candidates seeking the Commissioner District 4 seat. 


Changes coming at Gunflint Ranger District

There’s about to be a change at the top at the Gunflint Ranger Station. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with District Ranger Dennis Neitzke.


Weekend News Roundup for July 28

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Grand Marais settles pool standoff

The long-standing dispute between the City of Grand Marais and Burbach Aquatics has been settled.


City reviews boat launch plans and settles pool issue

The City Council heard plans from the DNR about an upgrade to the boat launch...and they settled the pool dispute issue. WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with Grand Marais Mayor Larry Carlson.


ISD166 looking for school board candidates

ISD166 is looking for new school board members, there’s a plan to expand the Industrial Arts program and some new teachers have been added.