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City sets levy and community center strategy

The Grand Marais City Council met to set the preliminary 2013 levy as well as discuss strategies for meeting with the county board on their community center participation.


Wilderness Fire Updates -- Thursday, Sept. 13

The US Forest Service says aerial suppression efforts and fire crews are being used today to fight two small fires in the Gunflint and Tofte districts of the Boundary Waters.


Ontario fire causes smoke, ash over Upper Gunflint Trail; small fire at south edge of BWCA

The US Forest Service reported at 5:25 PM, Wednesday, that the fire burning within a quarter mile of the northern shore of Knife Lake near Emerald Lake in Ontario is causing smoke again in the


Some area post offices to see reduced hours

Many small rural post offices will see their window hours cut to as few as four per day by the first of the year.


Author-speaker Leonard Sax here in October.

Dr. Leonard Sax is a psychologist and family physician.


Weather to warm up but stay dry

Expect a warming trend this week, but it comes with a slim chance of rain. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Gregg Frosig.


Weekend News Roundup for September 8

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Leaves begin to change color in Minnesota

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — The leaves are just beginning to change color in Minnesota.


Lightning starts more fires in BWCAW

Lightning has touched off more wildfires in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.


Sertich views renewable project in Silver Bay

There’s a sustainable green energy project starting up in Silver Bay.    WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Tony Sertich of the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitat