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Auditor still uncertain how Voter ID amendment would play out here

Cook County Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers is still not convinced how the “substantially equivalent” proviso in the proposed voter ID amendment will play out.


Forecast: inching toward winter

We should be seeing a little more snow this week, cool temps and a trend toward warmer weather this coming weekend.


School board acts on community center

The ISD166 school board held a special meeting Friday. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Superintendent Beth Schwarz about Q-Comp and community center agreements.


Weekend News Roundup for October 6

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Minn. wins grant to reduce fish mercury exposure

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minnesota has won a federal grant to reduce mercury exposure for women and children living along Lake Superior's north shore.


Voter ID author gets specific on mail ballot implementation

The voter ID amendment has been hotly debated on both sides of the political spectrum. One reason is because so many details are not included in the bill’s wording.


EPA to fund Lake Superior mercury study -- babies at risk

The federal government will investigate why infants born around Lake Superior have sometimes unhealthy levels of mercury in their blood, especially those along Minnesota's north shore.


Great year at the Rec Park and projects progress

Solar panel action by the city golf course and a new architect for the Community Connection. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Grand Marais Rec Park Manager Dave Tersteeg.