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Weather: warm, cold, warm as we move deeper into fall

Weather looks good to mid-week, then it’ll cool off before we warm up again. Winter’s not here yet. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Syewart.


Sen. Bakk concerned about Voter ID

State Senator Tom Bakk is the Senate Minority Leader and as such, is concerned about the effect and implementation of the Voter ID amendment if is passes.


USFS allows campfires in BWCAW; reopens area near Knife Lake to public use

Due to cooling temperatures and shorter days, the US Forest Service lifted restrictions on Thursday, September 27 , that previously limited the hours for campfires in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wi


Hospital begins long look and renovation and expansion

Cook County North Shore Hospital and Care Center administrator Kimber Wraalstad spoke with WTIP's Jay Andersen on "Daybreak" about long range plans for expansion.


Crossing Borders features artists of the North Shore and guests

The Crossing Borders artist studio tour starts Friday, Sept. 28 and continues for 10 days. One of the participating artists is raku potter Kristi Downing.


Sheriff looks at school bus safety

Leashed dogs, few fires, the beginning of hunting season and school bus safety.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen joined AM Calendar host Mary Manning for an up date from Cook County Sheriff Mark Falk.


Rep. Dill: Wolf season will go on as scheduled

Wolf season is scheduled to open in just over a month, but there’s s lawsuit pending that could stop it.   WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with the bill’s sponsor Rep.


Prospecting petition to be filed today

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Citizens in northeastern Minnesota plan to file a petition today objecting to the state’s plans to auction off more metallic minerals exploration leases.


ISD166 -- enrollement improves and the new school schedule is working

Good enrollment news at ISD166 as well as  information on Q-Comp and the school schedule.   WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Superintendent Beth Schwarz.