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New sled dog race mushing our way

From Grand Portage to mid-trail to Grand Marais and back to Portage. Sound like a sled dog race?  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Beth Drost about the Gichigami Express.


Weather this week -- warmer but dry

Pretty nice fall weather on tap for the rest of the week, but very dry.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about no rain in the forecast.


Great Expectations gets high marks

Great Expectations School got high scores from the Department of Education. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with school administrator Peter James about charter school success.


Weekend News Roundup for September 22

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Flu shot clinic start Sept. 25

Flu season is just around the corner, which means the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic has is fall flu clinic outreach program ready.


Second court appearance for Grand Portage man

A public defender was appointed and two criminal cases were continued on Wednesday, Sept. 19 for a 36-year-old Grand Portage man.


Sen. Franken talks about pending veteran's legislation

The U.S. Senate considers legislation to help veterans and will take up the school trust lands issue soon. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Minnesota U.S.


Commissioner Hakes reports on community center progress

City and county progress on the community center. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Sue Hakes about recent developments.


Lawsuit filed against Minnesota's wolf season

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Two groups have filed a lawsuit to try to block the opening of Minnesota's wolf hunting and trapping seasons this fall.