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BWCAW fire slowly grows near Ely

A fire in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness about 12 miles northwest of Ely continued to slowly grow Tuesday.


Forecast looking good for Radio Waves weekend

The week ahead looks fairly dry with just a possibility of sprinkles on and off. The Radio Waves Music Festival gets a big “Go Ahead”.


BWCAW fire burns near Ely

Crews were battling a wildfire in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness northwest of Ely on Sunday evening.


Weekend News Roundup for September 1

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Lodging tax revenues for July stay steady

Lodging tax revenues for the seventh month of 2012 were up compared to July of last year county-wide.


Voter ID Amendment presents logistical and financial issues for county

On November 6, Minnesota voters will make their choice on a Voter ID amendment to the state constitution.


Elevated fire levels exist for Labor Day weekend

Elevated fire risk conditions are one for the Labor Day weekend. Both the DNR and Forest Service are reminding campers to be extra careful with campfires this holiday.


Construction continues on I-35 between Duluth, Twin Cities

DULUTH, Minn. — Motorists traveling on Interstate 35 between Duluth and the Twin Cities Metro Area during Labor Day weekend will encounter two single-lane construction work zones.


Steelworkers at two Minn. mines prepare to strike

HIBBING, Minn. (AP) — Steelworkers at two Iron Range taconite mines say they're prepared to strike as soon as Saturday.


Hot weather set for the rest of the week

No severe weather left in the forecast, only sunshine and high temps, with sprinkles for Labor Day weekend.